الثلاثاء، 23 يناير 2007


So I met this photographer on Saturday who still shoots all film (click here to see his amazing work.) I felt so inspired by his work and even felt a bit nostalgic for the days when I used to shoot film. I really believe that people that still shoot film (and are REALLY good at it) are truly SO talented. Don't get me wrong, there are soooo many amazing photographers that shoot digital who are amazingly talented too (every single one of my photog friends for example). I guess I'm just in awe of people that still shoot film and do such an amazing job with it (click here to see another amazing film shooter). Shooting film isn't easy. In fact it can be quite difficult. You don't have the luxury of looking at the back of your camera to see if you got the picture right. You just have to know what you are doing with exposure, lighting, composition....everything. So that's why I admire great film shooters. They are so amazing to me!

Anyways, I felt really inspired to get out and shoot some film (I have a ton of film sitting in my refrigerator left over from my "film days"). So I pulled out my trusty Canon film camera and shot a roll of T-MAX black and white film. It was fun, and refreshing.

Things I miss about film:
-Less post-processing time
-It's fun to be surprised when you get to see your pictures for the first time
-The beautiful grain in true b/w film
-The sharpness and clarity of film

Things I DON'T miss about film:
-The cost. Man, it's stinkin' expensive to buy film, get it processed at a pro-lab, and get all the negs scanned.
-Running to the lab a million times to buy film, then drop it off, then pick it back up when it's finished, then take negatives back to get reprints.....
-Not being able to check the picture immediately to make sure they turned out.

Anyways, I love film. Always will. But I have totally embraced my digital camera and I love it too.

Here are some of my shots from the day. Kodak T-MAX film, all shot manually for exposure and focus with my 50mm 1.8 lens.

What's a photo session without pictures of my little Buggy....

My handsome hubby....

My trusty dog.... Random stuff around my neighborhood....

p.s. To all my photog friends...let's fashion a shoot after the two greats of our day (click here and here) and go on a photo safari. Who's in? If you want to go let me know and I will set something up for all of us.

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