الأربعاء، 14 مارس 2007

At Home with Brooke and Family

I just can't say enough great things about Brooke. She is my friend (and lives just around the corner from me) and she is the type of person that can make anyone smile (or laugh hysterically). Her portrait session was so nice and relaxed thanks to her super cool family. And her new little baby boy is sooo adorable. His chubbiness and all. I love the chubby ones!

At home portrait sessions can be such a relief from having to go to a studio (or on location). Especially with a new baby! If you are interested in having a super easy, and relaxed portrait session in the comfort of your own home, give me a call! Please remember that your home must be a VERY WELL LIT home for the results to turn out beautiful. By well lit, I mean lots of sunlight and lots of windows. And also remember that most home sessions are done in Black & White to minimize distracting colors and other things that can be distracting to the photographs.

Here's a few from Brooke's family portrait session....

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