الاثنين، 26 مايو 2008

Memorial Day.

Today we went and visited my husbands father who passed away last year. We still can't believe he is gone. It is so unreal. We miss him so much.

And we saw these flags honoring veterans. It was such beautiful thing to see.

Memorial Day is such a special day.

THEN after we decorated graves we decided it would be fun to go on a 15 mile bike ride the next day. We woke up the morning of the schedule bike ride and it was pouring rain. But did we cancel it? No! My in-laws are hard core. So we loaded up kids, Violet, Grandma and all for the 15 mile bike ride.

It rained for the first 5 miles. Stopped for the middle 5 and then rained and hailed the last 5. Overall it was surprisingly fun.

We fed the ducks at Utah Lake as our final destination point.

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