الجمعة، 21 نوفمبر 2008

I can't stop laughing.

It's 3 a.m. and I just got home from the midnight showing of Twilight.

-Yes, I am embarrassed to admit this.

-NO, the movie was NOT good.

-Yes, the movie was hysterically funny (but it's not SUPPOSED to be funny).

-Yes, it was purely ridiculous.

-No, I can't stop laughing about it.

-Yes, it had lots of slow motion, silly special effects, and hilariously pathetic acting.

-Yes, I was the gal in the theater who kept laughing at all the wrong times, and at all the wrong scenes.

-No, you should not go see this movie.

-Yes, your 10-year-old daughter would love it.

-And YES, the vampires dancing around the fire was quite possibly the most hilarious thing I've seen in a long time.

I can't stop laughing about it.

At any rate, the movie made a great "girls night out." My friends and I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

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