6:30 a.m. Wake up with baby Rock.
7:00 Violet wakes up.
8:30 Rock goes down for nap.
9:00 Snuggle in bed with Violet and watch cartoons.
9:10 I pass out
10:30 Baby wakes up. I wake up for the second time today. (p.s my eyes don't like sunlight before 10:00 a.m. usually).
11:00 Take bath. Think to myself "I feel like shooting today."
11:00 Text my sister Angie while sitting in the tub "Can I shoot you today?" Her reply "Yes. When?" My reply, "12:00."
12:00 Sister comes over. Hair, makeup, wardrobe styling all takes place.
2:30 Leave for shoot.
4:15 Finish shoot just before the blizzard hits.
4:33 Drive home in car freaking out over how beautiful the pictures turned out.
4:34 Text Ryan (sister's beau).
4:45 Rendezvous at my house with Ryan.
5:00 Upload photos to Lightroom.
5:02 Ryan cries when he sees the photos and confesses that I am the better photographer (he he he, okay....that didn't really happen).
7:30 Begin to sort, edit, blog, and facebook the loveliest photos of my sweet and dear sister Angie. My love, my heart, my muse.
p.s. A heartfelt thanks to Miss Autumn Buys for loaning me the amazing vintage hats!
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